Author: Power Peak Digest Team Pub Date: November 21, 2024

NTPC Limited is setting up a one-tonne per day seawater-to-green hydrogen plant at its Simhadri facility near Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh.
Developed through its R&D centre, NETRA, the project will use a low-carbon desalination plant powered by waste heat from the thermal power plant’s flue gas.
This innovative process will produce hydrogen-grade water from seawater at reduced costs. NTPC states that 12-13 kg of purified water is required to generate 1 kg of hydrogen.
In November 2024, NTPC also announced plans for a green hydrogen production facility using plasma oxy gasification of municipal solid waste and agri-waste.
Additionally, NTPC successfully synthesized methanol at its Vindhyachal plant by combining carbon dioxide captured from flue gas with hydrogen produced via a PEM electrolyser.
Photo Credit: NTPC