Author: Power Peak Digest Team Pub Date: December 20, 2024

PFC Consulting Ltd (PFCCL), a subsidiary of Power Finance Corporation Ltd, has initiated the empanelment of advanced metering infrastructure service providers (AMISP) under the centrally-sponsored Revamped Distribution Sector Scheme (RDSS). 

As one of the project implementation agencies (PIA) for smart metering under RDSS, PFCCL is seeking to empanel AMISPs to execute prepaid smart metering projects.

The empanelment process will categorize bidders into four groups based on project size, defined by the volume of smart meters:

  • Group 1: Up to 200,000 smart meters
  • Group 2: Between 200,000 and 1 million smart meters
  • Group 3: Between 1 million and 2 million smart meters
  • Group 4: More than 2 million smart meters

The empanelment will remain valid for two years, extendable by mutual consent, and will stay valid if RDSS is subsumed into a new scheme.

The estimated project costs for each group are as follows:

  • Group 1: Rs 1.8 billion (200,000 nodes)
  • Group 2: Rs 9 billion (1 million nodes)
  • Group 3: Rs 18 billion (2 million nodes)
  • Group 4: Rs 45 billion (5 million nodes)

PFCCL has scheduled a pre-empanelment meeting on January 9, 2025, and the last date for submitting applications is February 3, 2025. 

The RDSS initiative aims to install 86.4 million consumer smart meters, with 19.79 million meters sanctioned as of December 11, 2024.

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