Author: Power Peak Digest Team Pub Date: November 21, 2024

The National Power Committee (NPC), in consultation with Regional Power Committees (RPCs), has approved the Uniform Protection Protocol (UPP) for nationwide implementation. 

This decision was formalized during the 15th National Power Committee Meeting held in Nagpur, Maharashtra. The protocol aligns with the Indian Electricity Grid Code (IEGC) 2023 and introduces a standardized protection system aimed at enhancing grid stability, reliability, and security.

The Uniform Protection Protocol will apply to all entities connected to the grid at 220kV or higher (132kV for the North Eastern Region). This includes regional entities, state, central, and private generating companies, SLDCs, RLDCs, CTU, STUs, transmission licensees, and RPCs. It defines the objectives and design criteria for the protection system and addresses specific requirements for various grid components, including thermal and hydro generators, renewable energy sources, battery energy storage systems, substations, transmission lines, and HVDC terminals.

The protocol emphasizes monitoring and auditing to ensure effective implementation. Disturbance monitoring, analysis, and reporting will facilitate grid event analysis and improve the system’s reliability. Protection audits will follow standards set by the Central Electricity Authority (CEA) and the IEGC 2023, with monthly performance indices submitted by users to RPCs and RLDCs. Non-compliance cases will be escalated to the Commission if unresolved.

During the meeting, other key issues of the Indian power sector were discussed. These included the transition to 6-minute interface energy meters with AMR systems, the development of unified accounting software for energy transactions, the implementation of the Unified Real-Time Dynamic State Measurement (URTDSM) Phase II, the adoption of MPLS technology in ISTS communication, and the establishment of the National Unified Network Management System (N-UNMS). The measures also addressed SCADA and real-time data mismatches, along with solutions for communication system audits and outage planning.

The approval of the UPP and associated initiatives reflects a strong commitment to supporting India’s renewable energy goals. These include integrating 450 GW of renewable energy into the national grid by 2030 and achieving the target of 2,100 GW by 2047.

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