Author: Power Peak Digest Team Pub Date: February 4, 2025

Here are the update on the latest regulatory developments in India’s renewable sector: 

BERC approves BSPHCL’s petition for procurement of 170 MW wind power from SJVN

The Bihar Electricity Regulatory Commission (BERC) has approved the petition filed by Bihar State Power Holding Company Limited (BSPHCL) for the procurement of 170 MW wind power from SJVN Limited. This power will be sourced from inter-state transmission system connected wind power projects on a long-term basis, including a power sale agreement (PSA).

The commission noted that the proposed tariff, including the trading margin, is lower than the average power purchase cost (APPC) of Bihar discoms as approved in the tariff order, making it a reasonable procurement. However, the commission observed that as the procurement process follows Section 63 of the Electricity Act, the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) is the appropriate authority to adopt the discovered tariff.

Therefore, BERC has approved the procurement of 170 MW wind power for a term of 25 years, contingent upon the final adoption of the discovered tariff by CERC and necessary modifications to the PSA.

BERC approves BSPHCL’s petition for procurement of 100 MW wind power from SECI

The Bihar Electricity Regulatory Commission (BERC) has approved the petition filed by Bihar State Power Holding Company Limited (BSPHCL) for the procurement of 100 MW wind power from Solar Energy Corporation of India Limited (SECI) under ISTS connected wind power projects under Tranche XVII on a long-term basis, including a power sale agreement (PSA).

The commission observed that the proposed tariff, including the trading margin, is lower than the average power purchase cost (APPC) of Bihar discoms as approved in the tariff order. Therefore, the commission found the tariff for procurement reasonable.

Additionally, the commission noted that as the procurement process follows Section 63 of the Electricity Act, the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) is the appropriate authority to adopt the discovered tariff. Consequently, BERC approved the procurement of 100 MW wind power from SECI for a 25-year term, subject to the final adoption of the discovered tariff by CERC and necessary modifications to the PSA.

MERC allows MSEDCL’s petition seeking adoption of tariff for procurement of wind-solar hybrid power

The Maharashtra Electricity Regulatory Commission (MERC) has approved the petition filed by Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Limited (MSEDCL) for the adoption of the tariff for the procurement of 13 MW of wind-solar hybrid power from BN Peak Power-1 Private Limited (BNPP1PL).

The commission noted that MSEDCL had earlier approached the commission in Case No. 148 of 2024 for tariff adoption concerning 2000 MW from wind-solar hybrid projects, with an additional 2000 MW through the green shoe option. MSEDCL had requested the inclusion of 13 MW under the green shoe option for BNPP1PL. However, during the proceedings, MSEDCL inadvertently uploaded the wrong file on the e-filing portal, which led to the exclusion of this 13 MW capacity in the October 11, 2024 order.

Following this, the commission approved the additional 13 MW procurement from BNPP1PL at a tariff of Rs 3.60 per kWh, discovered through competitive bidding for 25 years. The power procured through this petition will also contribute towards meeting MSEDCL’s renewable purchase obligation (RPO) requirement.

MERC allows NUPLLP’s petition seeking approval of power procurement plan

The Maharashtra Electricity Regulatory Commission (MERC) has approved the petition filed by Nidar Utilities Panvel LLP (NUPLLP) for the power procurement plan for FY 2025-26 to FY 2033-34. The approval includes the tender documents for procuring power through renewable energy sources such as bagasse, hydro, or firm dispatchable renewable energy (FDRE) on a medium/long-term basis.

The commission approved the proposed deviations in the request for proposal and draft power purchase agreement (PPA) for hydro power procurement on a medium/long-term basis. It also permitted NUPLLP to proceed with the bidding process in accordance with the FDRE guidelines dated June 9, 2023. Furthermore, the commission allowed NUPLLP to enter into power purchase agreements with new bagasse-based power plants on a memorandum of understanding basis until the 1,350 MW target under the renewable energy policy 2020 is met.

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