
Nuclear Power in India: Facts Over Fear

  India has come a long way in its energy journey since its independence. According to the Central Electricity Authority (CEA), total power generation capacity (utilities and non-utilities) surged from 1,362 MW (1.36 GW) in 1947 to 521.31 GW by March 2024. Per capita electricity consumption rose from 16.3 kWh in 1947 to 1,395 kWh in 2024. Transmission infrastructure expanded from 23,238 circuit kilometers (ckm) to 14,895,025 ckm during the same period. Yet, post-independence India…


The future of wind energy: Rising costs, shifting markets, and global divides

  The entire world is grappling with geopolitical uncertainty due to the prolonged war between Russia and Ukraine, the tussle for economic power between the USA and China, and the conflict between Israel and Hamas. This is resulting in increased inflation, demand uncertainty, disrupted supply chains, and rising unemployment. Amid all this, one sector has become a core concern—electricity. The world has adopted a combination of conventional and renewable energy (RE) sources in its electricity…

India’s Power Sector After COP 29

Only a few months ago, the news coming from a mega event in Gujarat assured us that India is not only going to achieve but surpass the 500 GW from non-fossil fuel capacity target set for 2030. The general mood has turned quite the opposite after the UN Climate Change Conference (COP29) fiasco on climate finance targets committed for transfer from the developed countries. The media reports of 55GW of awarded renewable energy (RE) capacity…


Interview: E2E Energy to develop Geothermal Project in Canada

Interview with Nick Daprocida, CEO of E2E Energy Solutions, Canada E2E Energy and Novus Earth to Develop Geothermal Project in Canada E2E Energy Solutions has partnered with Novus Earth to develop the Latitude 53 Hinton geothermal energy project near Hinton, Alberta, with construction scheduled to begin in early 2025. This two-phase initiative aims to utilize geothermal energy for sustainable agriculture and clean electricity generation, strengthening Alberta’s renewable energy landscape.     Here’s what Nick Daprocida,…


Energy Justice and the Renewable Transition: Addressing Inequities in Carbon-Intensive Regions

The global shift towards renewable energy is crucial in mitigating climate change, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and ensuring a sustainable future. Yet, this transition is far from equitable. For carbon-intensive regions, where economies and livelihoods are tightly linked to fossil fuels, the renewable energy transition presents significant challenges. These regions face the risk of economic destabilization, job loss, and social upheaval. In this context, the concept of energy justice has emerged as a critical framework…


AI-Powered Load Forecasting and Smart Grids: Yellakari Kesava Charyulu’s Vision for Andhra Pradesh’s Energy Future

In this insightful interview, Yellakari Kesava Charyulu, Chief Engineer at the Andhra Pradesh State Load Dispatch Center (SLDC), discusses the challenges and opportunities that come with managing a power grid in one of India’s most dynamic states. As renewable energy plays an increasingly larger role, Mr. Charyulu explains how the SLDC is adapting to integrate intermittent power sources, manage peak demand, and adopt cutting-edge technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and smart grids. He also shares…


Nuclear Energy and the Future: A Journey Through Material Innovation

Advancement of Nuclear Energy Through a Materials Engineering Perspective Climate change and diminishing fossil fuels have fostered the development of cleaner and more sustainable energy sources since the past half a century. Advancements in nuclear energy have been gaining renewed attention as a source of stable and non-intermittent energy. Advanced nuclear reactors, heralded as the next generation of nuclear technology, promise to deliver safer, more efficient, and more sustainable energy. However, the success of these…