Author: PPD Team Date: 06/11/2024

Avista has signed a nonbinding memorandum of understanding to take a 10% ownership stake in the North Plains Connector, a 3 GW high-voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission line by Grid United’s subsidiary. 

This 420-mile line will connect the US eastern and western electric grids between Montana and North Dakota, enabling bi-directional power transport from various generation sources.

The North Plains Connector, linking the Midcontinent Independent System Operator, Western Interconnection, and Southwest Power Pool, will enhance grid flexibility and resource sharing across time zones. This project is expected to address grid congestion and improve market access for utilities, benefiting from a conditional $700 million GRIP award from the US Department of Energy.

As part of the NPC II consortium, Avista secures 300 MW of transfer capacity, offering broader access to renewable energy sources. Avista CEO Dennis Vermillion emphasized the project’s alignment with Avista’s priorities, providing increased market access and resource diversity to strengthen the grid.

The project remains on track for a 2032 operational launch, progressing through the NEPA permitting process after receiving the GRIP grant. In partnership with Hitachi Energy, Grid United will utilize HVDC technology to support the project’s goals.

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