
EC approves EEW Offshore Wind EU acquisition

The European Commission (EC) has approved the joint control acquisition of EEW Offshore Wind EU by EEW Holding and Sumitomo under the EU Merger Regulation.  The collaboration involves German and Japanese entities producing large steel tubes for offshore wind farms. The EC concluded the acquisition would not raise competition concerns, as the market structure remains largely unaffected. Last year, Sumitomo announced plans to acquire a stake in EEW Offshore Wind EU to enhance its monopile…


JDR Cable Systems to install subsea cables for US offshore wind farm

JDR Cable Systems, part of the TFKable Group, has secured a contract from DEME Offshore for the Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind (CVOW) project, the largest offshore wind farm in the United States.  The 2.6-GW project will supply power to 660,000 homes and contribute to the US goal of deploying 30 GW of offshore wind energy by 2030. JDR will manage the installation and testing of 66kV subsea inter-array cables for 176 wind turbines and three…


Hitachi Energy to supply grid solutions for East Anglia 2 offshore wind project

Hitachi Energy will provide essential grid connection and power quality solutions for ScottishPower Renewables’ East Anglia 2 (EA2) offshore wind farm.  The 960 MW project, located 32 kilometres off Suffolk in eastern England, will generate enough energy to power one million UK homes. The project will leverage Hitachi Energy’s Grid-eXpand system, gas-insulated switchgear, and Grid-enSure power quality solution, featuring the SVC Light STATCOM.  ScottishPower Renewables describes the £4 billion EA2 project as pivotal to the…


US BOEM releases final EIS for SouthCoast Wind Project

The US Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) has issued its final environmental impact statement (EIS) for the 2.4 GW SouthCoast Wind Project, which, if approved, could power approximately 800,000 homes.   The SouthCoast Wind proposal includes up to 147 turbines, five offshore substations, and eight export cables, with landfall options at Brayton Point or Falmouth, Massachusetts. The project’s lease area covers about 127,388 acres, located 26 nm south of Martha’s Vineyard. Public input during a…


India approves 50 solar parks to boost 37.5 GW renewable capacity

The Union Ministry of Renewable Energy has approved the establishment of 50 solar parks with a combined capacity of 37.5 GW, marking a major milestone in India’s renewable energy journey.  These solar parks will be strategically placed across various states to optimize energy generation and distribution, supporting India’s goal to transition towards cleaner energy sources and reduce reliance on fossil fuels. Alongside the solar parks, the government is expanding offshore wind energy projects along the…


Massachusetts approves SouthCoast Wind I shore transmission facilities

The SouthCoast Wind 1 offshore wind farm, developed by Ocean Winds, has secured critical approvals from Massachusetts for its onshore transmission facilities at Brayton Point in Somerset. The Massachusetts Energy Facilities Siting Board has granted a construction and operation permit for the facilities, while the Department of Environmental Protection has issued a Chapter 91 Waterways license for nearshore infrastructure. Additionally, the Office of Coastal Zone Management has completed its federal consistency review for the project….