
Global energy efficiency improvements lag behind COP28 targets: IEA

One year after the COP28 pledge to double global energy efficiency by 2030, a report from the International Energy Agency (IEA) reveals that countries are falling short of this goal.  The IEA’s Energy Efficiency 2024 report shows that global primary energy intensity—a core energy efficiency metric—is set to improve by around 1% in 2024, the same rate as in 2023, far below the 4% target needed by 2030. At COP28, nearly 200 countries committed to…


EIB and Intesa Sanpaolo launch €8 billion wind sector initiative

The European Investment Bank (EIB) and Intesa Sanpaolo have launched an initiative to unlock €8 billion in wind sector investments, as part of EIB’s €5 billion wind energy plan unveiled at COP28. Supported by InvestEU, this will support 32 GW of wind capacity toward the EU’s 2030 renewable energy target of 45%. EIB will provide a €500 million counter-guarantee, enabling Intesa Sanpaolo to establish €1 billion in guarantees for wind farm supply chains and grid…