A potential of about 10,600 MW of geothermal power has been estimated in the country by the Geological Survey of India (GSI). GSI explored 381 thermally anomalous areas and published the findings in “Geothermal Atlas of India, 2022.” 

The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) is implementing the “Renewable Energy Research and Technology Development Programme (RE-RTD)” through various research institutions and industries to develop indigenous, efficient, and cost-effective renewable energy technologies, including geothermal energy. Under the RE-RTD Programme, MNRE provides up to 100 per cent financial support to government and non-profit research organizations, and up to 70 per cent to industry, start-ups, private institutes, entrepreneurs, and manufacturing units for R&D projects.

Over the past five years, MNRE has not specifically allocated funds for geothermal energy R&D. However, the Ministry of Coal (MoC) has allocated Rs 24.2 million, which was used to establish a 20 kW pilot geothermal power plant in Manuguru, Telangana by Singareni Collieries Company Limited (SCCL). The plant utilizes closed-loop Binary Organic Rankine Cycle Process technology, which has been successfully demonstrated.

India has partnered with international organizations to advance geothermal energy efforts. This includes an ongoing MoU with Iceland since October 9, 2007, an MoU with Saudi Arabia signed on October 29, 2019, and the Renewable Energy Technology Action Platform (RETAP) with the USA, launched on August 29, 2023.

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