Author: PPD Team Date: 17/10/2024

The Central Electricity Authority (CEA) concluded its two-day Brainstorming Conclave on the ‘Indian Power Sector Scenario 2047’ in New Delhi on October 14-15, 2024. The event, attended by over 1,500 delegates, featured discussions on expanding hydropower, integrating energy storage systems, modernizing distribution networks, and fostering cross-border energy cooperation. Key dignitaries, including Union Power Minister Manohar Lal, emphasized India’s strategy to meet growing energy needs while transitioning to cleaner sources.
The conclave also focused on capacity building, financing the energy transition, and the role of green hydrogen in achieving India’s energy targets. The event’s sessions, moderated by EY and KPMG, provided insights into the future of base load plants, financing mechanisms, and the development of a resilient transmission system.
CEA Chairperson Ghanshyam Prasad outlined plans to implement the conclave’s recommendations through expert task forces, marking the beginning of a roadmap towards achieving 2,100 GW capacity by 2047.
Image: Union power minister Manohar Lal delivering his address on the inaugural day of CEA’s Brainstorming Conclave. Credit: CEA Youtube channel